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2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊


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2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 國慶團報到

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2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 日月潭遊湖-文武廟-逢甲夜市

早餐:機上餐點 午餐:台灣料理(四季蒸宴) 晚餐:逢甲夜市自理




[日月潭] 日月潭位在台灣中部的南投縣,於民國八十九年一月正式升格為「日月潭國家風景區」,以日月潭中的山水美景及邵族文化特色為主題,打造成國際級的度假勝地。日月潭是全台灣最大的天然內陸湖泊,周圍層層山巒環繞,湖面碧波粼粼,晨曦與夕陽景致更是迷人,壯麗景色美不勝收。日月潭國家風景區也不定期舉辦各項觀光活動,增添多元化的觀光資源。

[Sun Moon Lake] Sun Moon Lake, located in Nantou County in central Taiwan, was officially upgraded to the "Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area" in January of the 89th year of the Republic of China. Centered around the scenic beauty of Sun Moon Lake and the cultural characteristics of the Thao indigenous people, it has been developed into an internationally renowned resort destination.

[文武廟] 文武廟主祀關聖帝君,並供奉孔子及岳飛等神祇,每至考季總吸引大批學生前來祈願。文武廟是日月潭著名的景點

[Wenwu Temple] The Wenwu Temple, dedicated to the God of War Guan Gong, and honoring Confucius, Yue Fei, and other deities, attracts numerous students seeking blessings during exam seasons. Wenwu Temple is a renowned attraction at Sun Moon Lake.

[逢甲夜市] 逢甲文華夜市位於逢甲大學側門,橫跨文華路至福星路,主要吸引年輕消費者,地理位置優越,處於學區和市區交界,逐漸成為臺中市夜市的領頭羊。與其他夜市相比,逢甲文華夜市不僅以美食聞名,還有眾多商店,且營業時間較長。近年來,夜市經歷翻新,吸引更多消費者,商圈擴大,成為臺中市十大觀光景點之一。

[Feng Chia Night Market] It located near the side entrance of Feng Chia University, spanning from Wen-Hua Road to Fu-Xing Road. It mainly attracts young consumers and enjoys a prime location at the intersection of the university district and the city center, gradually becoming the leader among Taichung night markets. In recent years, the night market has undergone renovation, attracting more consumers and expanding its business district, becoming one of the top ten tourist attractions in Taichung.



2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 赤崁樓-大天后宮-大港橋-高雄流行音樂中心-駁二藝術特區-六合夜市

早餐:飯店餐點 午餐:周氏蝦捲 晚餐:六合夜市自理



[赤崁樓] 赤崁樓乃荷蘭人於西元1653年創建,原稱普羅民遮城(Provintia荷文為永恆之意),漢人則稱之為「赤崁樓」、「番仔樓」或「紅毛樓」;「赤崁樓」雖歷代都有改建,至今仍大約維持原貌。 赤崁樓從荷蘭時期便是行政中心,西元1661年鄭成功改普羅民遮城為承天府治。 [Chihkan Tower] Chihkan Tower, originally built by the Dutch in 1653, was initially named "Fort Provintia" (Provintia in Dutch means "eternity"). However, it is referred to by the Han Chinese as "Chihkan Tower," "Fanzi Tower," or "Red-Haired Tower." Despite renovations throughout the ages, Chihkan Tower still retains much of its original appearance. During the Dutch era, Chihkan Tower served as the administrative center, and in 1661, after the victory of Koxinga, it was converted into the administrative center of Tainan. [大天后宮] 大天后宮,俗稱「臺南大媽祖廟」,是臺灣第一座官建媽祖廟。大天后宮供奉的主神,也就是俗稱的媽祖婆,是臺灣民間的宗教信仰中最普遍的神明。 [Tianhou Temple] The Grand Tianhou Temple, commonly known as the "Tainan Grand Mazu Temple", is the first officially built Mazu temple in Taiwan. The main deity enshrined in the Datianhou Temple, also known as Mazupo, is the most common deity in Taiwanese folk religious beliefs. [高雄流行音樂中心] 位於高雄亞洲新灣區中心,由⻄班牙建築團隊結合台灣團隊施作,設計團隊運用海洋元素,勾勒出不同特殊造型的建物外觀,不僅是南臺灣流行音樂展演核心,更是國際級音樂文化地標,以流行音樂為亮點,海洋文化為傳承,打造音樂休閒新基地。 [Kaohsiung Music Center] Located in the heart of the Asia New Bay Area in Kaohsiung, this project is a collaboration between a Spanish architectural team and a Taiwanese team. The design team incorporated marine elements to outline the unique appearance of the buildings. It serves not only as the core venue for pop music performances in southern Taiwan but also as an international music and cultural landmark. With pop music as its highlight and maritime culture as its heritage, it aims to create a new base for music and leisure. [大港橋駁二藝術特區]碼頭旁的大港橋,是全臺首座水平旋轉景觀橋樑,也是亞洲最長的跨港旋轉橋,可在3分鐘內完成水平運轉,每日下午3點進行開合秀,每逢週五六日晚間7點加開1場,橋樑可供行人及自行車牽行,串連駁二藝術特區與棧貳庫2處熱門景點,是目前最新潮的旅遊路線。 [Dagang Bridge] Next to the Pier-2 Art Center in the Kaohsiung's Pier-2 Art District, the Dagang Bridge stands as Taiwan's first horizontal rotating scenic bridge and Asia's longest cross-harbor rotating bridge. It completes a horizontal rotation within 3 minutes, with a daily opening show at 3 p.m. Additionally, an extra show is held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings at 7 p.m [六合夜市]六合夜市是高雄最具代表性、知名度最高的夜市,位於六合二路上,東起中山一路、緊臨捷運美麗島站11號出口,便利的交通、眾家招牌老字號雲集,讓六合夜市驚艷您的味蕾。 六合夜市興起於1950年代初期,起初名為大港埔夜市,是高雄歷史最悠久夜市 [Liuhe Night Market] Liuhe Night Market, located on Liuhe 2nd Road in Kaohsiung, is the city's most iconic and well-known night market. Stretching from Zhongshan 1st Road to adjacent to Exit 11 of the MRT Formosa Boulevard Station, it boasts convenient transportation and is home to numerous renowned eateries, making it a culinary delight. Originating in the early 1950s under the name "Dagangpu Night Market," Liuhe Night Market is one of Kaohsiung's oldest and most historically significant night markets.



2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 佛光山-廣進勝美濃紙傘工作室-美濃客家擂茶

早餐:飯店餐點 午餐: 客家料理)美濃原鄉緣) 晚餐




[Fo Guang Shan] Fo Guang Shan is located in the northeastern part of Dashu District, Kaohsiung City, on the west side of the Gaoping River. It was established by Venerable Master Hsing Yun and his disciples. Fo Guang Shan is a Mahayana Buddhist temple, renowned not only as a sacred Buddhist site but also as the Buddhist center of southern Taiwan. Its temple architecture is grand, and it has also established a Buddhist university, dedicating itself to the promotion of Buddhism.
[廣進勝美濃紙傘工作室]廣進勝油紙傘是高雄美濃僅存的五家手工紙傘老店之一,工作室是隱身在小巷弄裡的三合院,裡面展示販售純手工紙傘,還有紙傘彩繪DIY。 紙傘是少見的傳統技藝,有機會帶小朋友來瞭解、學習紙傘的製作,是很棒的體驗。
[Guang Jin Sheng Mino Paper Umbrella Studio] Guang Jin Sheng Oil Paper Umbrella is one of the only five remaining handmade paper umbrella stores in Meinong, Kaohsiung. The studio is nestled in a traditional courtyard hidden in a small alley, where handmade paper umbrellas are displayed and sold, along with DIY painting activities.
[美濃客家擂茶]美濃擂茶的特色在 於使用了成熟的紅豆,台灣紅豆生產的主要地區以高雄、屏東等南部地區為主, 器具部分則因為美濃地區盛產窯業,所以都使用當地窯業生產的擂缽。
[Hakka Tea] The distinctive feature of Meino pounding tea lies in the use of mature red beans. Taiwan's main red bean-producing regions are primarily in the southern areas such as Kaohsiung and Pingtung. As for utensils, due to Meino's abundant pottery industry, locally produced pounding bowls from the pottery industry in the region are commonly used.



2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 鹿港老街-三輪車-台北101

早餐:飯店餐點 午餐:鹿港老街自理 晚餐:台北六福萬怡酒店或同等級



飯店早餐後,驅車前往七星潭及柴魚博物館(刨刨柴魚花DIY),下午至太魯閣 參觀太魯閣遊客中心、燕子口、慈母橋、天祥。



2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 參加雙十國慶大會—宜蘭國立傳統藝術中心-冬山河香格里拉溫泉

早餐:酒店早餐 午餐:丸林滷肉飯 晚餐:飯店內晚餐



[National Center for Traditional Arts] The National Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan celebrates the beauty of folk art, which serves as the source of cultural heritage passed down through generations. Spanning 24 hectares, the center is designed to accommodate the needs of traditional opera, music, dance, crafts, and folk acrobatics. Its 21 buildings and landscape areas embody both traditional and environmentally friendly green architecture.



2024年 10/5 台灣雙十精彩溫泉七天遊 十分老街-九份老街-西門町

早餐:酒店早餐 午餐:客家料理 晚餐:真北平



[Jiufen Old Street] Once a thriving gold mining town, Jiufen was nicknamed the "Golden Mountain City." The settlement flourished during the gold rush but later became tranquil with the decline of gold mining. In the late 1980s, the film "City of Sadness" featured Jiufen's scenic beauty, vintage architecture, and unique hillside landscapes, captivating domestic and international tourists, turning it into a picturesque mountain town.
[Ximending]The name Ximending dates back to the Japanese colonial era when residents primarily lived within Taipei City. This area outside the west gate became their main recreational space. Initially centered around cinemas, Ximending evolved with the addition of department stores and various entertainment venues. In 1961, after the completion of the Zhonghua Market, Ximending briefly held the title of the largest commercial and entertainment center in the country






雙人房USD $ 998 /


單房人USD $ 1588 /



10/05 CI007 LAX/TPE 22:45 05:20A+2《請注意10/4晚上到機場check in

10/11 CI008 TPE/LAX 23:50 19:35


** 費用包含: 團費、酒店、門票、豪華巴士、5早餐、4次午餐、2次晚餐、專業華語導遊

** 費用不包含: 機票、機票稅金、司機及導遊小費,建議每人每天US$12 x 6=US$72


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